In many impoverished communities, children don’t have the opportunity to receive an education. Some don’t have resources like books or uniforms, leaving children to fall behind without the support to catch up. Youth drop out of school to support their families and never go back. And entire school systems are understaffed, failing to provide adequate education to the children who live there. Lack of education increases the likelihood of involvement in drugs, gangs and other risky behaviors.
It’s easy to see how an absence of education spirals into a cycle of poverty. When you make a gift to our education programs, you provide the resources, tutoring programs and more for children from kindergarten through high school and beyond.


In many impoverished communities, children don’t have the opportunity to receive an education. Some don’t have resources like books or uniforms, leaving children to fall behind without the support to catch up. Youth drop out of school to support their families and never go back. And entire school systems are understaffed, failing to provide adequate education to the children who live there. Lack of education increases the likelihood of involvement in drugs, gangs and other risky behaviors. It’s easy to see how an absence of education spirals into a cycle of poverty. When you make a gift to our education programs, you provide the resources, tutoring programs and more for children from kindergarten through high school and beyond.

Why focus on education?

When we reduce barriers to education, we set children up to thrive. Access to education reduces the likelihood of a child’s involvement in gangs or drugs, and lowers the number of teen pregnancies. Education leads to healthier childhoods and, ultimately, to greater economic prospects as adults.

Did you know?

One of the reasons children in poverty drop out or fail to graduate is because they’ve been falling behind year after year and it becomes impossible to catch up. Our learning spaces help students do better in class so they can stay inschool and on track for graduation.

What gets measured?

When it comes to education, we look at the following results:
  • Increased secondary school completion: We measure success by identifying the percent of sponsored Children International graduates who reach this milestone by age 24.
  • Increased school enrollment: We measure the percent of sponsored children who are enrolled in any level of formal education.
  • Increased achievement of identified learning outcomes: We measure the percent of sponsored children who achieve minimum proficiency standards for their age or grade level.